Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Baby Love

Baby Heath #3 is now due September 30Th! Last time I had an ultrasound done it was pretty early,so yesterday I had my second one we realized that I'm further along that originally thought. Here is my little love.

Isn't she/he adorable! I just love those little legs! Ha! This baby is just even more special to me because we weren't expecting and trying for so long. This baby (like all babies I know) is like a surprise gift. We weren't expecting it and that just makes it so special to know that we were trusted to have another baby. I know the heartache of trying and losing and struggling to get pregnant so I feel so blessed to get a surprise!

Okay on to a subject that won't make me cry.

Kollyn~~ Oh how that child melts my heart. He is a great little boy. When we came home from the hospital he fussed LOTS! I was struggling and had to have lots of help to get my self adjusted. The first four weeks were awful. I cried all the time and then would just lose it for the smallest reasons, just ask anyone who came in contact with me. Now Kollyn is a super happy little boy, who is most of the time sleeping through the night, and just loves his big brother!! They are beginning to play together and Regan wants to include him in all that he does.

T-ball is going okay. We have a pre-season game this week. Regan has missed a lot of practice in the last few weeks. With the passing of MawMaw Surrett, and then pneumonia we just couldn't make it. Regan gets to go back to school tomorrow!! I'm very excited that he is ready to go. Having two kids at home,especially one that is sick, makes for a long day and even more when all I want to do is sleep all day.

1 comment:

  1. I am so relieved that Regan is feeling better. Kollyn is so adorable with those beautiful big blue eyes. Y'all have a beautiful family. Maybe you will start to get some energy soon. I can't image how busy, but blessed you are. I am glad to hear Regan is adjusting better to Kollyn. I know how it melts your heart when they play and give each other hugs. The other day I was holding a friend's baby and Hunter had to get in my lap, but he just wanted to play with the baby which started to giggle and play back with Hunter, it was adorable and heart warming. Someday in the future, Lord willing Corey and I can have another baby, preferable another boy, but what ever God has planned for us will be great. Sorry to hear about Maw Maw Surrett. She is in a better place, but surely missed. Tristan is playing t-ball, he got on a team with alot friends which makes it alot easier and fun. Me and another mom on the team are co-"Team Moms". Have a great week and God bless.
