Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I've been trying to figure out how to post this for over two weeks. I can't even figure out what to say except to be keeping Aaron's family in your thoughts, prayers, meditations, what ever it is you do. Every time I start to write a post I'm in tears. I haven't personally know anyone that has been injured in this war but I do now. It hits differently when you know a person, their family, where there house was. Ricky and I got married in the church that Aaron's dad was the pastor. His dad talked to us about Aaron and had just this sparkle in his eye.

Aaron and I were friends in high school. He took me to my first high school dance because the guy I was "liking" at the time didn't want to go. He took care of me and looked out for me for years. I got us lost a couple of times going to Gadsden but he always just laughed it off. Aaron came to bonfires at our house and we all went to eat lots of times.  A couple of years after I graduated I ran into him at a bar in Oxford and he was still the same sweet guy. I have only kept up with him through facebook over the last couple of years but he would post pics of his travels and I would always tell Ricky that I wanted to go!

Aaron's wife and dad are keeping up his caringbridge site. I have never met his wife but just reading her post I know they are a match. I know that Aaron's life will be different now but I know he will come out of this and we will teach us all something about persevering.

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