Sunday, February 26, 2012

I pretty much think my husband is the best guy/man around. I mean, He works all day comes home passes me at the gate and takes on three kids. There are days that the house is a wreck, the kids are fussing, and dinner is frozen pizza bites, But he never complains. He does baths and has the kids in bed before I get home. He is AMAZING! 

Except one thing... HE SNORES~I'm not talking about a little person cute snore I'm talking wake a hibernating bear, call of the wild, scare the buffalos snore. It drives me crazy crazier. I try to be nice and just touch him to get it to stop, my next move is to pull the blanket, I usually get a few minutes of peace with that. But just as I get cozy and think I have defeated that ear rattling noise, it creeps back in. Slowly at first, not a consistant snore just that sweet little noise babies do. Then slowly it gets louder and scarier to finally it sounds like someone has cranked a VW bug next to me. I usually move to a more agressive approach by this time and rub his arm. When that doesn't work he gets a good ole fake sneeze. AAAAACHOOO! Ugh,come on. That leaves me no choice but to kick his leg and then act all innocent when he wakes up. My plan is to act innocent and go to sleep faster than he falls back asleep, hoping I can start MY snoring before he gets back to sleep. 

I have the perfect hubby until bed time!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Birthday party blues

Sometimes I want to delete my facebook page and never look back. It causes so much pain and annoyance when I see kids in Regan's class having parties and Regan wasn't invited.  Today I saw the forth party that he wasn't invited to,  this was to a girl that he talks about being his friend.

 Are their parents afraid to invite Regan? Do the kids beg their parents to not invite him? Does he have any friends at school or does he feel lost and alone? I get reports that he is loved by everyone but then why have we only had 1 party invite in two years from school?   Ugh, no parent likes to feel that their child is being left out do they? 

On other news we had a great Valentine's Day.  We had red beans and rice. ( I know shocker right?) I made a caramel cake and cupcakes. We made some lemon bars and took them to my mom today at her work and then for supper I decorated the table with candles, conversation hearts, plastic "champagne" glasses and heart cut outs with things that I loved about each of them. I had to go to class. I hated to leave them but I was even more upset when the instructor didn't show up. Oh well, another reason that I should have finished school years ago!

Monday, February 13, 2012

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
     10 and a half years. We started dating in August 2011.

2. How did you meet?
     Kindergarten. We went to school together all through school. We didn't really become friends until our Junior year and then we were even closer our senior year.

3. If married, How long have you been married?
     Next month will be eight years. .

4. If you are married, where did you get married? Big or small wedding?
     We got married in a small church that has since been turned into a community center. We had a pretty small wedding only about 50 people.

5. Do you have any nicknames for each other?
     Well... no not really. I'll call him babe but that is about it.

6. Name 3 things you love about your honey.
     1} His positive outlook 2} The way he looks at our children when he doesn't know I'm watching him 3} That he puts up with my crazy.

7. Tell us how he proposed.
    Which time? ha! No kidding we got engaged 2 times. Both in the a bathroom!! The first time I was moving into a trailer behind my parents and he "helped" paint the wall for me one day while I was off shopping. When I got home he took me to the bath room and all he had painted was will you marry me. There on the counter was a monkey with a ring box The second time we were again in the bathroom at his parents house in the while I got my make up touched up and I went to pat his chest and felt the ring in his shirt pocket!! All I could do was laugh and so we got in engaged in the bathroom! How romantic,right?

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
     He is neither. We don't do Valentine's Day. I don't want flowers and candy or anything on a day that he is told to do it. Love me any other day of the year and will will mean more than on Valentine's.

9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch? I would love to be sunset on the beach but we are more of on the couch watching a movie.

10. Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant other one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?    I would love to spend the day in New Orleans together.

11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentines Day? I have class and he has to work so we will not see each other really until later.

12. Are you asking for anything for V-day?
Maybe a foot rub. But I do that everyday!

13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love. Time together away from distractions. We usually let the kids go off one evening a week so that we can spend time catching up with each other. It is really important especially for us we don't see each except for about 10 mins until I get home from school at almost 9pm every night.

14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The clock

Tonight in class we had to write about an object in a room where we had a gut wrenching experience. My mind went to a clock in a room where my life was forever changed. This post won't make sense to anyone probably, but as I sat there writing through sobs I thought maybe I had some issues deep down that I never worked out.

White with Black numbers
Time changed
Life changed
Blue baby
Green mommy
Quiet whispers
side way glances
half way smiles
Life changes
Happy times
odd feet
quiet times
bedside manner
didn't matter
phone calls
worst nightmares
Warm showers
Hot tears
white pill
cold shivers

Those all came to me while I was in class. I still cry tears thinking about that moment he was born. I looked right at the clock the moment he came into the world. I had no clue that almost 7 years later that clock hanging on that tan wall would mean so much to me. It's the moment my life as I knew it ended. It's the moment that I became not just a mom, but a meme.  The moments after Regan was born I saw the doctor mouth something to a nurse as she went out of the room. I remember the nurses facial expression that made me feel that something wasn't right. I just had no clue what that something was.

Life with Regan has been a challenge it has made me stronger than I ever thought possible. I have learned to stand up for what I believe is right and has made me want to be a better person. Even though these feelings all feel negative toward his diagnosis I could never explain the joy that 3:58 brought into my life. There is something so different about my bond with Regan.  In that minute he wasn't the only person born, I was too.   I don't believe, "Special parents get Special kids", I know that special kids MAKE special parents.